HQDA Rate Board Approved Indirect Rates
Purpose: The Army Indirect Rate Board is an Army 2-Star level general officer steering committee that provides senior leader guidance, recommendations, and endorsement for reimbursable activities with a focus on annual approval of indirect rates charged by the servicing agency. The Army Indirect Rate Board will ensure reimbursable activities maintain statutory and regulatory compliance to achieve transparency, audit, budget, and resourcing efficiency goals.
Scope: The Army Indirect Rate Board is applicable to servicing Army agencies that receive Reimbursable Budget Authority (RBA) and are party to intra-agency agreements in which a reimbursable rate is charged to collect indirect costs. Requesting Army agencies that are charged reimbursable indirect rates may also participate. Instructions will be sent out annually with the specific Commands and submission requirements.
The Board is chaired by:
- Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Cost and Economics (DASA-CE)
- Deputy Director of Army Budget (DASA-BU)
- Deputy Director of Program Analysis and Evaluation (PA&E), DCS, G-8
Rate Board Documents - (CAC Required)