Army Financial Management Strategy 2028
To support the Army's Mission and decision making through sustainable improvements to Financial
Management capabilities, efficiency, and effectiveness.
Army Financial Management Community,
My office and I are devoted to the growth, advancement, and evolution of the Army Financial Management profession. What we do is key to resourcing the Army and its warfighters. Every one of you plays a critical role in supporting and enabling the Army’s mission. Without you, achieving mission success would not be possible.
The Army Financial Management Strategy 2028 outlines our top priorities over the next five years. The Campaign Plan translates the Strategy into an actionable, measurable plan, with emphasis on the next two fiscal years.
I encourage you all to review the Strategy Guide and the Campaign Plan and incorporate it in your routine business. Also share the content below to help spread the word. Reach out to your leadership with thoughts and ideas on how to get involved.
Thank you for all that you do each day. I look forward to achieving results together!
I am truly proud to work with you in this great profession.
To support and serve!
Caral E. Spangler
Assistant Secretary of the Army
Financial Management and Comptroller
Campaign Plan FY25 Overview
Strategy Guide & Campaign Plan
The Financial Management Strategy and Campaign Plan outline FM&C’s 4 primary Lines of Effort. Each LOE consists of executable initiatives with desired outcomes that will help achieve FM&C’s strategic goals. Within each Line of Effort FM&C is working many initiatives that reform financial processes to build The Army of 2030. Click on the graphic below to learn more.