DRAFT Version 3648 is the initial draft rate version for POM26-30. It comprises the following factors and adjustments:
- Baseline:
FY 2023 year-end civilian pay and labor execution data
- Economic assumptions:
PB 25 pay raise assumptions, issued Dec 2023 - FY25 pay raise adjusted from 2.1% to 2.0%
Foreign currency fluctuation factors, issued Dec 2023
- FY 2025 OMB Circular A-11 guidance:
No changes from the previous version.
- Basic Rate Parameters:
Includes: Basic Compensation ($/Hours); Benefits; Awards; Holiday Pay.
Excludes: Overtime ($/Hours) - except AWCF; Incentives (Recruitment/Retention/Relocation); Separation, Non-pay (training, travel, supplies, overhead).
Cash Awards: 2.5% (General and Special Schedules, Foreign Direct Hires); 7.5% (Executive Schedule), 0.0% (Foreign Indirect Hires).
FERS Agency Contribution: No adjustment to baseline data.
- Normalizations for POM/BES and PB restructuring:
Established new rate key OMNG/SAG-115/CTYPEs 124 & 125 based on proportionally weighted avg of manpower realigned from SAGs 112, 113, 116, 431, 435 (PB25 issue #OP15232).
AFC (OA-97) rates modified for anticipated holistic STRL GS to SS pay-plan conversion. Civilian $/Hours cited against CTYPEs 101, 131, 132, and 151 were blended to create a single weighted average per each key-4 record. Pay Rates calculated from these weighted averages were duplicated across all four contributing CTYPEs in all affected key-4 records.
CIDC (OA-21) XCID rate modified to reflect POM25 programmatic realignments from QLPR (#PDHRR003) and WOPS (#21IT002T).
- Technical or Administrative changes:
Updated methodology for BBENE Overseas Allowance expenses (commitment item = 12B0). Baseline data sources are DCPS, KNPS, and ILNPS pay files, supplemented with GFEBS Status of Funds cum. obligations, Vendor code filters on 'PCSLQA', 'PCSALADV', and 'IATS'.
The FY23 execution baseline for APPN = DHPO was rescoped to include only UICs W40M (OA-74) and W3U2 (OA-97).
Pay raise assumptions:
FY 23 uses 4.6%
FY 24 uses 5.2%
FY 25 uses 2.0%
FY 26 uses 2.1%
FY 27 uses 2.1%
FY 28 uses 2.1%
FY 29 uses 2.1%
FY 30 uses 2.1%
FY 31 uses 2.1%