Cost Management 101


In an effort to take the cost management practices beyond initial deployment activities, DASA-CE has developed a multi-tier cost management course plan. Cost Management 101 is the foundation course offered to all cost practitioners. There are four modules that cover: basic costing principles, cost reports in GFEBS, key terms in Cost Management, and operations management.

Prospective Candidates

Any individual interested in learning more about cost management and the tools the Army has available may enroll. Individuals who already have degrees in Accounting and/or Business may take these courses as a refresher; however, the intended audiences for these courses are those unfamiliar with costing principles and performance management.


How to Receive Training

Self-taught Training: All of the Cost Management files are posted below for organizations to download for self-teaching.

The Cost Management 101 slides & Description can be found at:
   Cost Management 101 Training

You must be logged into AKO to view the slides from the link


Description of Cost Management 101 slides

Section 1: Cost Management Overview (slide 2)

  • What are costs and why is managing costs important
  • Army's overall objectives
  • Change enablers to support Cost Management
  • The process of Cost Management and how it differs from Budget Management
    • Lesson 1: Demand & Define "Cost" (Slide 3)
    • Lesson 2: Cost Culture (Slide 21)
    • Lesson 3: Cost Enablers (Slide 29)
    • Lesson 4: Cost vs Budget (Slide 46)
    • Lesson 5: Cost Management (Slide 58)

Section 2: Cost Model Components (slide 77)

  • Defining the various cost objects (which replace APCs/JONOs) within a Cost Model, e.g. organizations, products, services, jobs, etc.
  • Understanding decision points of where to capture information
    • Lesson 1: Cost Elements (Slide 80)
    • Lesson 2: Cost Terms (Slide 92)
    • Lesson 3: Cost Centers (Slide 110)
    • Lesson 4: Activity Types (Slide 128)
    • Lesson 5: Payroll & Labor Tracking (Slide 141)
    • Lesson 6: WBS Elements (Slide 156)
    • Lesson 7: Orders (Slide 164)
    • Lesson 8: Business Processes (Slide 179)
    • Lesson 9: Statistical Key Figures (Slide 188)

Section 3: Cost Flow Methods: The difference between cost capturing, allocations, and assignments

  • Lesson 1: Cost Assignments Overview (Slide 199)
  • Lesson 2: Capture Output Costs (Slide 208)
  • Lesson 3: Summary/Key Take-Away (Slide 216)