Army Cost Management Steering Group


To shape and inform the implementation of cost management policy, strategy, system design and practices in alignment with Army Leadership priorities. Provide guidance and understanding on Army enterprise level cost needs, performance metrics, capability gaps, and recommendations required for more agile, effective, and efficient decision making processes.


  • Advise Army Senior Leadership on Army Cost information needs required to successfully implement Cost Management Army-wide and support Leadership's PPBE decision making process.
  • Inform and influence the implementation of Cost Management policy, strategy, key capabilities, and best practices sharing.
  • Share accurate and reliable cost information and data to synchronize, accelerate, and maximize available resources.
  • Take full advantage of all ERPs to enable better cost planning, analysis, and control.


Participating Commands

GO/SES Representative Member of Headquarters, Department of the Army
U.S. Army Forces Cmd U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Cmd
U.S. Army Materiel Cmd U.S. Army Pacific
U.S. Army Europe U.S. Army Medical Cmd
2nd Army U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Army Test & Evaluation Cmd U.S. Army Installation Management Cmd


Next CMSG Meeting: To Be Determined - POC:

Top 10 Cost Management Challenges

  1. Planning/Decision Making
  2. Full Cost/Visibility
  3. Training
  4. Strategic Communications
  5. Performance/Output Measure
  6. Cost Estimation
  7. Information Needs
  8. Standards
  9. CM Tools
  10. Manpower
CMSG Memos and Briefing Slides
     1 3rd_QTR_15_CMSG_Final - (CAC Required)
     1_4th_QTR_15_CMSG_Final - (CAC Required)
     1st QTR FY 16 CMSG Meeting Sum and Actions
     1st QTR FY16 CMSG Briefing Slides
     Army CMSG Kick Off and Overview 18NOV2014
     CMSG Meeting Sum and Actions 18 Feb
     CMSG Meeting Sum and Actions 18Nov2014
     CMSG Survey Results
     CMSG_EXSUM _and_Actions_26Aug2016
     CMSG_Meeting_Sum_and_Actions_20_May_v1 1
     FY 16 3rd QTR CMSG Briefing Slides
     FY 16 3rd QTR CMSG Meeting Summary and Actions
     FY16 2nd QTR CMSG Briefing Slides
     FY16 2nd QTR Meeting Summary and Actions
     FY17 1st QTR CMSG Briefing Slides
     FY17 1st QTR CMSG Meeting Summary and Actions
     FY17 2nd QTR CMSG Briefing Slides
     FY17 2nd QTR CMSG Summary and Actions final
     FY17 3rd QTR CMSG Summary and Actions
     USA Memo