Capstone Individual Awards
Award Types
ASA (FM&C) Civilian Award
ASA (FM&C) Military Individual Award
Capstone Individual Awards recognize the "best-of-the-best" from among the winners recommended from all the award categories. The "Individual" category consists of only one person.
The awards honor one Civilian employee and one military member serving in a leadership capacity who the ASA (FM&C) personally cites for outstanding contributions to the field of financial management.
Accounting/Internal Auditing
Award Types
Civilian Individual Award
Military Individual Award
This award recognizes professionals who made significant achievements in financial management operations such as disbursing operations, travel pay, civilian pay, and military pay. Provided a significant impact while formulating, establishing, reviewing, and revising finance and comptroller policies, programs, and procedures to enhance business operations to Military Service Members, Civilians, and organizations.
Financial Statement Auditing
Award Types
Civilian Individual Award
Military Individual Award
This award recognizes professionals who made significant contributions towards remediating material weaknesses aligned with the Army’s audit priorities and accelerating its path to an unmodified audit opinion. Improvements may be in the area such as implementing end-to-end business process reengineering efforts leading to improved auditability for a priority area or developing innovations to promote an unmodified audit opinion.
Award Types
Civilian Individual Award
Military Individual Award
This award recognizes excellence in building, defending, and/or executing the Army Budget in the planning, programming, budgeting, and execution (PPBE) process to better defend Army resources. Demonstrates good stewardship of Army resources by understanding the organization's missions and associated costs, helps set clear goals/targets, establishes performance objectives and measures of effectiveness. Provides Senior Leaders with accurate and timely financial and performance data to facilitate the decision-making process.
Cost Savings, Analysis and Evaluation Initiatives
Award Types
Civilian Individual Award
Military Individual Award
This award recognizes actions that resulted in significant savings to the taxpayer and use of cost analysis to improve mission effectiveness through wise use of limited resources. Provides viable recommendations to streamline or improve cost estimating techniques. Provides management with accurate statistical data and analysis on costs for existing and planned programs. Improves existing methodologies used to compute statistical data or provide assessments of the impact of changes in policies and procedures that lead to sound management decisions.
Comptroller/Deputy Comptroller
Award Types
Civilian Individual Award
Military Individual Award
This award recognizes primary staff member responsible for obtaining, administratively controlling and accounting for funds needed to secure required resources. Coordinates efficient and effective utilization of organization resources and identifies innovative ways to improve fiscal management and financial processes.
Education, Training, and Career Development
Award Types
Civilian Individual Award
Military Individual Award
This award recognizes excellence in creating, executing, and promoting an effective training program in the development and advancement areas of Army comptrollership. Educates, trains, and mentors the financial management workforce.
Financial Management Author of the Year
Award Types
Civilian Individual Award
Military Individual Award
This award recognizes, at any level, both the civilian and military writer of an article or manuscript published in a periodical categorized as outstanding in:
Broad applicability to financial management disciplines
Treatment of contemporary and timely issues
Readability, informative substance, and style (The article or manuscript must be included in this award nomination.)
Fellows Award
Award Types
Civilian Individual Award
This award recognizes an outstanding professional in the Army Fellows Program - Comptroller (for a minimum of six months within the fiscal year) who made significant contributions to the Comptroller Civilian Career Program.
Outstanding Financial Management Organization
Award Types
Army Command (ACOM), Army Service Component Command (ASCC), and Direct Reporting Unit (DRU) Headquarters
Below ACOM, ASCC, DRU Headquarters
This award recognizes an organizational element of the same office (e.g., office, division, or directorate) of not more than 20 members, to include the leader, which made significant contributions to Army financial management.
Note: This award is limited to one organization, not multiple organizations. If an organization award nomination includes more than one organization, the nomination will be disqualified.
Outstanding Financial Management Team
Award Types
Army Command (ACOM), Army Service Component Command (ASCC), and Direct Reporting Unit (DRU) Headquarters
Below ACOM, ASCC, DRU Headquarters
This award recognizes a specific working group of Army individuals (e.g., ad-hoc committee, audit team, special study group) for significant contributions to Army resource management.
Note: A team is defined as a group of at least four, but not exceeding 20 individuals, brought together from different organizations, offices, divisions, or directorates as a working group (temporarily) to perform a specific task or project. If a team exceeds 20 members, the nomination will be disqualified.