Directorates and Offices of ASA(FM&C)

Army Budget
Mission and Functions

Organizational Chart

The Army Budget Office (ABO) is responsible for budget formulation, the presentation and defense of the budget through the Congressional appropriation process, budget execution and analysis, reprogramming actions, and appropriation fund control/distribution. The personnel in the ABO work closely with the functional program/subprogram managers and sponsors who are responsible for program development and management.

  • Supervise and direct development, submission, and defense of the President’s Budget (PB)
  • Transform the Program Objective Memorandum (POM) to the Budget Estimate Submission (BES) to the PB
  • Allocate funds, oversee execution, and maintain Total Obligation Authority controls
  • Manage the Army Working Capital Fund (AWCF) cash
  • Oversee, manage, analyze, and evaluate funding available for Civilian pay and benefits through PPBE
  • Initiate, coordinate, and oversee the Mid-year Review and Army input to OSD Reprogrammings
  • Coordinate with Appropriations Committee, OSD and OMB, in accordance with laws and regulations and implement guidance
Cost & Economics
Mission and Functions

Organizational Chart


The Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Cost & Economics) is responsible for providing Army decision-makers with cost, performance and economic analysis in the form of expertise, models, data, estimates and analyses at all levels.

  • U.S. Army Cost and Economic Analysis Program
  • Acquisition Costing and Army Cost Review Board
  • Review and Validation of Business Case Analyses, Economic Analyses, and Special Cost Studies of Major Weapon and Information Systems, Force Structure, and Operating and Support Cost
  • Army Cost Research Plan
  • Cost Factor Development for Installation Base Operations, Civilian Personnel, and Training Operating Tempo, in support of the Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution Processes
  • Army Cost Management Program
  • Army Financial Management Enterprise, Continuous Process Improvement Program
Financial Operations and Information
Mission and Functions

Organizational Chart


The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Operations and Information) (DASA-FO) is responsible for policies, procedures, programs and systems pertaining to finance and accounting activities and operations, Army financial management systems and data integration activities, Army programs for internal control, internal review and audit compliance, the Army Travel Charge Card, fraud, waste and abuse, and other management evaluation activities.

  • Manage Procedures and Policies to Support Audit Compliance and Remediation
  • Produce the Army's Annual Financial Statement and Financial Reports
  • Develop and Implement Finance and Accounting Policies
  • Implement Policies and Procedures for the Army's Management Internal Control Program (MICP)
  • Manage the Army's Internal Review Program
  • Develop Policies for Non Appropriated Fund (NAF) Programs
Congressional Liaison
Mission and Functions


Organizational Chart

The Army Congressional Budget Liaison (SAFM-BUL) Office works with Congress to resource the Army to meet current and future needs in line with the law and Army Regulations. SAFM-BUL is the primary liaison with the Appropriations Committees on all matters except civil works. It serves as the Army's single entry point for Members of Congress and their professional and personal staff on the House and Senate Appropriations Committees. The office advises the Secretary of the Army and Chief of Staff of the Army on Congressional Appropriations, develops strategies to engage Appropriators, cultivates relationships with Appropriations Committee Members and Staff, provides a unified voice between HQDA and Appropriators, and facilitates information exchange between Army Senior Leaders/Staff and the House and Senate Defense and MILCON/VA Appropriations Subcommittees.
Effectively engage Capitol Hill by working hand-in-hand with OCLL to serve the Congressional customer, share operational information, plan and execute congressional travel, and ensure timely and accurate communication of Army budget and policy matters to Congress.
Serve the Assigned Customer: SAFM-BUL's top priority is to serve the assigned customer (Congressional and Army) by providing timely and accurate information, responding to inquiries, and supporting hearings and other events.
Effective Engagements: SAFM-BUL and OCLL will work together to engage Capitol Hill effectively, ensuring that Congress is well-informed and resourced to support the Army's mission.
Plan and Execute Congressional Travel: SAFM-BUL provides planning and trip execution for members and staff on the Appropriations Committee to visit Army commands, installations, and world-wide locations, ensuring advance coordination and notification to avoid widely publicizing the travel.
  • Advise and report to the Secretary of the Army on Appropriations
  • Develop and articulate Appropriations Strategies
  • Foster relationships with Appropriations Committee Members and Staffs
  • Provide "One Voice" between HQDA and Appropriators
  • Serve as the Conduit of Information Exchange
  • Prepare Army senior leaders for hearings
  • Gather information for Army senior leaders
  • Organize and conduct fact-finding travel for members and staff