Mr. Daniel Garrido U.S. Army Medical Command | | Duty Description: Serves as a staff accountant for the United States Army Medical Command (MEDCOM); manages $517M in accounts receivables and the debt management program. Primary financial and operational reporting analyst for the MEDCOM G8.
Narrative: Served as the MEDCOM CAER alternate Staff Officer from the inception of the program in April 2018 until October 2018 and the primary Staff Officer from November 2018 until present. Has consistently assisted the ASA-FM&C data team on data query refinement; showcasing both his extensive knowledge and commitment to meeting the program intent. Developed and regularly refining, the new enterprise wide data call format. Conducts, consolidates, and analyzes all monthly submissions from the field. Assists all CAER initiative leads (Branches, Divisions, Directorates, and Commands) with analysis and submission, product and process development, and all new internal CAER requirements per leadership. Serves as secondary POC for all CAER initiatives. Generates and conducts the pre-brief to G8 leadership. Serves as MEDCOM internal and external liaison with all key stakeholders. Assists in new process and policy development. Primary planner and instructor of a 175 man week long off site CAER initiative training event. Mr. Garrido has been integral in the successful implementation and execution of the CAER program devoting countless hours educating, training, and developing new innovative tools to better assist the entire organization. His selfless service and dedication have directly attributed to MEDCOM’s continuous improvement in financial readiness. |